Hi, my name is Stacy.
I am a child of God, wife to my preacher man, mother to 3 beautiful (rowdy) children, sister, daughter, aunt, and friend.
Born and raised in Australia, I married an American and now live in the U.S.A. I love cooking and am mildly obsessed with making things from scratch. I think anyone who has potty trained a child deserves a gold plaque. I like mangoes :)
I started this journey as wife and mother with very little know-how. Most of the time I feel as if I am just muddling through and doing the best I can. I take this position seriously and feel it a true honor to be called “Mom” (or Mum). It is truly astonishing that God saw fit to give me a godly husband and children to take care of.
So what does Delighting in the Days have to do with anything?
It is my desire to find peace and joy in the day to day. To focus on my family and cherish the moments we share. These goals take intentional effort. Many times I fail and am not very delightful, nor do I find delight in the things I should. But it is something to strive for, a mind set to work on.
My hope is that this blog will help me retain my focus as well as provide encouragement to other women who share these goals. I don’t know much, but I know God loves His creation. I know He gave mothers an important role. I know I want to be a good one. I know I have a lot of work to do!
Many Christian women express the desire to attain the qualities seen in Proverbs 31. I am no different. In reading that chapter we can see that she worked with her hands in delight (Proverbs 31:13). May we all strive to work in delight as we serve our families.
What can you expect to read here at Delighting in the Days?
My favorite topics revolve around family life and the making of a home. I often write about food, fun, homemaking, homeschooling, herbal remedies and what not. Bible study and Bible topics will also be featured here.
Thanks again for visiting!
Note: This blog is a work in progress. In order to live the life I blog about, I need to limit the time I spend on the computer. Thus, you will probably see messes here and there as I slowly get this thing together. Thanks for your patience.
May we confidently say:
“I delight to do your will, O my God;
Your law is within my heart.”
Psalm 40:7