Welcome to my new home on the web!
For the past few months I have been busy writing reviews for The Old Schoolhouse and found that I had little to no time left for blogging! I have missed it. My old blog become so over run with reviews that it didn't feel like home anymore. So here I am in a shiny, new spot.
I had planned to get this place spruced up and looking fancy before inviting anyone over. But I knew it would never be quite right, and I might never blog again :) So here you are at my new place, dust and all. You can expect to see a few changes, but what and when have yet to be decided. I plan to blog and mess around with the template at the same time. It should be interesting...at least for me.
Some things I want to share soon:
- Why my blog is called Delighting in the Days.
- What my family has been doing for the last couple of months.
- Good food I'm eating.
- Some cute stuff my kids have been drawing and writing.
- The awesome kitchen things I got for Christmas!
- How to make lavender lotion.
- Move some favorite posts from my old blog to this one.
So, if you are visiting here, welcome (and pardon the mess).

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