Taco Chip O’le
Ground turkey is seasoned with some surprising spices (nutmeg, thyme, garlic powder, sage). Tomato sauce and other spices are then added; resulting in an extremely flavorful sauce.
We ate this on baked tortilla chips with sour cream, olives, spinach leaves, shredded cheese and salsa. We also tried it with rice; which was good too.
You could easily prepare the seasoned turkey ahead of time to make this super quick.
Everyone in the family enjoyed it; including my husband, who likes his beef.
Definitely one I would recommend.
Baked Parmesan Chicken
Also included in th Taste and Tell Booklet* and from the Main Dishes Cookbook.
I didn’t get a picture of this one, but it was yummy. Click here to see step by step instructions on Sue Gregg’s website.
Baked Parmesan Chicken is a very simple meal which involves dipping chicken breasts in butter or milk and rolling them in a mixture of bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, and spices. Pop it in the oven to bake and your done!
Again, the entire family loved this one. I was especially surprised because I used whole wheat bread to make the bread crumbs. Whole wheat bread is not a favorite of some members of this family ( not mentioning any names).
Another option is to cut the chicken into smaller pieces and make “nuggets”.
Healthy and Delicious.
Country Creole Peas ‘n Corn
So here is the one that was liked by me alone. My husband is not a fan of beans so I wasn’t expecting much.
The kids ate it - but didn’t really enjoy it. The next day I mixed a little of the leftovers with some rice and a little more tomato sauce and it went down fairly easily.
This recipe is also included in the Taste and Tell Booklet* and is from the Meals In Minutes Cookbook. It is a high fiber dish and is said to freeze well. Click here for step by step instructions.
The basis for this meal is blackeyed peas. They need to be soaked for 12 to 24 hours. This was no problem since I put them in a pot the night before. I then cooked them up for lunch. It took about 2 hours to cook.
This would not be a last minute dish, unless you had some ready in the freezer (which I think is the whole idea). It’s just a matter of planning.
If you like blackeyed peas, you’ll probably like this. It definitely tastes “beany”. So if you don’t like beans you might want to skip it (although you may want to consider learning to live with beans since they are so healthy and inexpensive).
Here ends today’s review.
Coming up:
Blender Batter Waffles
Oatmeal Surprise
Spinach Orange Salad
If you have any experience with Sue Gregg’s cookbooks or the two stage process feel free to share your thoughts with us.
* The Taste and Tell booklet is a sampling of Sue Gregg’s recipes. You can get a free copy by filling out a short survey on Sue Gregg’s website. Click here to go directly to the form.
Those look SO good! I'd love to try out the taco chip O'le. The seasonings sound like they would really make it taste good!